Content Removal Requests takes image abuse very seriously and is committed to protecting your online rights. This form provides a method for you to report illegal or nonconsensual content. This page is not for reporting copyright infringement. To report copyright infringments please use our DMCA takedown page.

We will strive to respond to your report as quickly as possible in a fair and reasonable manner. We intend to resolve all reports within seven (7) business days and provide clear guidelines to prevent issues from recurring. If a violation has occurred, we will determine the appropriate remedy and take the necessary action. Any content deemed to be illegal will be removed immediately. We will not act against other users for activity that happens on another platform or offline. In instances where disputes over consent cannot be resolved internally, such disputes can be referred to a neutral arbitration association. Once an action has been taken, or if more information is needed from you, we will contact you by email.

Information Required

If you are requesting the removal of content which appears on website and you did not authorize the use of the content you must notify in writing by email in order for us to identify the allegedly infringing content and take action.

Your written notice must include the following:

• Your legal name

• Your email address

• Your business address

• Your phone number

• URL(s) of the Content You Wish to Report:




• A brief description of the work you are reporting

• A statement of your belief that the content has been posted in bad faith, illegally & without permission.

Email your report with all this information to our agent here:

Please also note that any person who knowingly materially misrepresents information in the report may be subjected to liability, including compensatory damages for all parties harmed by reliance on the misrepresentation.

Allow 3-7 business days for us to respond to your notice and take necessary actions. To ensure proper consideration of your notice, please make sure that you provide all the information outlined in the notification requirements above.

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